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Surprising Science

Massive Brain Study

“A massive new project to scan the brains of 1,200 volunteers could finally give scientists a picture of the neural architecture of the human brain.”
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“The National Institutes of Health announced $40 million in funding this month for the five-year effort, dubbed the Human Connectome Project. Scientists will use new imaging technologies, some still under development, to create both structural and functional maps of the human brain. The project is novel in its size; most brain-imaging studies have looked at tens to hundreds of brains. Scanning so many people will shed light on the normal variability within the brain structure of healthy adults, which will in turn provide a basis for examining how neural ‘wiring’ differs in such disorders as autism and schizophrenia.”

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Boys are four times as likely as girls to develop autism. Girls are nearly twice as likely to experience depression. The immune system may be a player in these and other brain-health disparities.

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