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Today the Centers for Disease Control urged public schools not to close in the fall when they expect a resurgence of swine flu to strike school children across the country. […]
Some people are highly motivated to come to work and believe what they do matters; some people don’t think they’re work is important and show up for the paycheck. Both […]
Some considerations on corruption that emerged on some blogging at Ecademy. Andy at GOOGLE at
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The source of the controversy in the psychology community this week is the Rorschach Test. You may not recognize that name, but you’ve seen parts of the test before: they’re those […]
Is the Canadian government armed and ready for the swine flu? According to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, they have a long way to go. In a letter to Federal […]
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Would today’s Major League Baseball bar Lou Gehrig? That’s the argument some are using to oppose a new announcement by the MLB: the league is conducting genetic testing on some […]
model a grassroots health system based on the convenience of the fast-food system. Address all problems of all visitors to convenient clinics, starting with the most basic checks and assessments. Let unsolved health issues go up the ladder to the more comprehensive and expensive care. I hope the big boys can hear me. Thanks, John Lee
The continued downward trend of total sea ice in the Arctic is one of the most obvious bellwethers of climate change, and now it is allowing an even more striking […]
For the world and the Chinese they’re certainly welcoming the good news about Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cell research but not for the US.
Government payouts, insurance, and great money chase are ruining health care – is there another way?
The USA feels all people should have healthcare; young, old, immigrants, rich, poor. So make everyone pay incrementally. Support NATIONAL healthcare with NATIONAL SALES TAX on everything purchased; food, web […]
By funding Capitated Primary Healthcare for low-income individuals and families we can create a platform for quality and accountability that will transform and lower healthcare costs for everybody. Simply by moving the bottom we will cause a shift that will percolate through the whole system and bring change.
I frequently ask myself “How much can I take before I just blow?…” Do our government officials really think they can drop the ‘Health Care Solution’ on us like one […]
The most important difference in Crete and the rest of Greece from the United States is that the majority of doctors here are well-trained and committed to good health care for their patients. Now is a good time for the U.S.A. to switch to Medicare Health Care for All: do away with superfluous paperwork, let patients keep their own records and take the temptation of pharmaceutical perks out of the doctor’s office.
You may have missed it between the 40th anniversary of the first Apollo moon landing and the glowing tributes to the man who broadcast it to much of America, the […]
From Leadership and Management to Risk Management, Strategist, and Futurist
Antiretroviral drugs are perhaps some of the strongest drugs given to patients, so it was almost unheard of that these drugs would ever be administered without routine laboratory tests monitoring […]
Often when we hear people arguing about the point of sex, it is defenders of sex education who fight moralist crusaders that want to save it for marriage and procreation. […]
Self-Reconfiguring Modular Robotics is going to have some profound consequences for business and society.
It will simplify product development, revolutionise distribution, reduce costs so much it can transform our lives. It can also help us reduce our ecological footprint dramatically.
Knowledge-driven Risk Management defined.
Success Tenets for Scientific Management.
Actionable omniscience perspective defined.
SCIENTIFIC NORMALNESS By © Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini (Andy)
Biography of Andres Agostini (Andy) at
Getting health insurance at work was invented to be a perk, not the only affordable place to access insurance.
HOW CAN ONE CONSIDER RISKS DIFFERENTLY…By © Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini (Andy) – Arlington, Virginia, USA