In special relativity, the statement that two events happened at the same time is meaningless.
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Gamma-ray bursts are so powerful they could vaporize the Earth from 200 light-years away. Recreating them in the lab is not easy.
Although many of Einstein’s papers revolutionized physics, there’s one Einsteinian advance, generally, that towers over all the rest.
The sky is blue. The oceans are blue. While science can explain them both, the reasons for each are entirely different.
The sonnenrad is a Heathen symbol composed of 12 repeated runes.
Is mathematics woven into the very fabric of reality? Or is it merely a product of the human mind?
Based on data since 2000 alone, global warming is still occurring at a whopping 7-sigma significance. How hot will planet Earth get?
It is generally ineffective, occasionally poisonous, and driving numerous species to the brink of extinction.
The idea of “absolute time” was our default for millennia. But time is relative, as gravity and motion both cause time to dilate.
The LHC has a long, productive life ahead of it. An upgraded version, called the “High Luminosity LHC,” will be available in 2028.
One of the fundamental constants of nature, the fine-structure constant, determines so much about our Universe. Here’s why it matters.
From a photon’s viewpoint, the Universe is timeless and dimensionless.
For the past 150+ years, the big ones have all missed us. But at some point, our good luck will run out.
The closest star system to Earth, just over 4 light-years away, has three stars and at least one Earth-sized planet. Is it time to go there?
Migrating our planet to a safer orbit might be the only way to preserve Earth after all the ice melts.
Many mavericks look to Einstein as a unique figure, whose lone genius revolutionized the Universe. The big problem? It isn’t true.
By looking back at future dreams we can see our current hopes and visions in a whole new light.
For linguists, the uniqueness of the Basque language represents an unsolved mystery. For its native speakers, long oppressed, it is a source of pride.
Einstein’s theory of general relativity introduced the concept of space having a shape. So, what is the shape of space?
A true scientific view of if, where, and when extraterrestrial life exists is within our grasp thanks to biosignatures and technosignatures.
We once thought the Moon was completely airless, but it turns out it has an atmosphere, after all. Even wilder: It has a tail of its own.
The past ~4 billion years have been an incredibly successful, unbroken run for life on Earth. The future won’t be nearly so bright.
Atomic nuclei form in minutes. Atoms form in hundreds of thousands of years. But the “dark ages” rule thereafter, until stars finally form.
Because of dark energy, distant objects speed away from us faster and faster as time goes on. How long before every galaxy is out of reach?
Today, our observable Universe extends for 46 billion light-years in all directions. But early on in our history, things were much smaller.
Particle physicists use gigantic accelerators to investigate the infinitesimal.
If something exists, it is by definition natural.
Acting “little and often” has huge consequences and they’re not always good — but awareness yields solutions.
Wealth concentration among elites was common in ancient nations, but the scale on which it took place in Egypt’s 18th Dynasty was unprecedented.