The present-moment awareness that stems from mindfulness practices may be the cost-effective tool that our society needs.
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You searched for: Systems
A new AI-generated map of dark matter shows previously undiscovered filamentary structures connecting galaxies.
Everything is made of matter, not antimatter, including black holes. If antimatter black holes existed, what would they do?
New experiments find weird quantum activity in supercold gas.
The Source Family, a radical 1970s utopian commune, still impacts what we eat today.
A new study on mice showed that ginger may counter certain autoimmune disorders such as lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome.
It is difficult to save a species that does not seem to care about saving itself.
The best time to start was yesterday, the second best is now.
A new study from Iceland confirms that a shorter workweek improves productivity.
In all the Universe, only a few particles are eternally stable. The photon, the quantum of light, has an infinite lifetime. Or does it?
Bolsheviks planned to erect a towering monument to the socialist cause, but their quixotic ideas never got off the ground.
In principle, the laws of physics are the same forwards and backwards. But in practice, time only runs in one direction. Most of the laws of physics are the same […]
Scientists are solving the problem of costly energy storage.
Will and Ariel Durant were praised for their ability to look at the big picture without losing sight of its little details, even if they did miss some of them.
Chemical engineers have developed a way to protect transplanted drug-producing cells from immune system rejection.
Drop sodium in water, and a violent, even explosive reaction will occur. But quantum physics is needed to explain why.
The mummy was first thought to be a male priest. But a recent radiological analysis revealed a surprising anomaly.
Sure, we’re warming now. But will this continue, or will natural factors change things? According to our best understanding of Earth’s climate, the global average temperature has increased significantly over the […]
Can AI make better predictions about future crimes?
William Shatner is going to space because Jeff Bezos loves Star Trek.
That’s as fast as a bullet train in Japan.
Sir Ken Robinson died on August 21 of cancer at the age of 70.
An algorithm produced every possible melody. Now its creators want to destroy songwriter copyrights.
A computer coder and a lawyer decide they have a right to speak for all the songwriters that ever lived, those who are alive today, and all those yet to be born.
Before it fueled Woodstock and the Summer of Love, LSD was brought to America to make spying easier.
Prevention is always better than waiting .
Our love-hate relationship with browser tabs drives all of us crazy. There is a solution.
A socially minded franchise model makes money while improving society.
Migrating our planet to a safer orbit might be the only way to preserve Earth after all the ice melts.
Nearly 90% of the world’s blind live in low-income countries.