The most common visual depictions of the history of the Universe show the Big Bang as a growing tube with an “ignition” point. Why is that?
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Should we be searching for life on other planets, or technology?
The spooky world of quantum mechanics might reach out and touch you — by mutating your DNA. Welcome to the weird world of quantum biology.
Known as the Great Oxygenation Event, Earth froze over as oxygen accumulated in our atmosphere, nearly driving all life extinct.
If you had a clear western horizon, you had your shot at this view! On September 9, 2021, the Moon and Venus nearly overlapped. A simulated view of the post-sunset skies […]
Each December, the Geminid meteor shower puts on a show for skywatchers across Earth. With a new Moon at 2023’s peak, it’ll be outstanding!
Social isolation, back pain, and screen fatigue getting you down?
Our minds are hyper-taxed due to hyper-tasking. We need to slow down and allow ourselves to daydream if we want to improve our attention.
The latest gravitational wave data from LIGO and Virgo finally shows us the truth: there are no “gaps” in the masses of black holes.
Within our observable Universe, there’s only one Earth and one “you.” But in a vast multiverse, so much more becomes possible.
Intrapreneurs tap into the spirit of entrepreneurialism to innovate and find personal meaning at work, but organizations need to celebrate their efforts more.
The good news is that it can be countered with acne medication.
The plant-like sea creatures contain a molecule that improves memory, learning, and even hair quality, according to a new study in mice.
Impossible standards and poor self-understanding are making us miserable.
While we can see many solar storms coming, some are “stealthy.” A new study shows how to detect them.
Inflation, dark matter, and string theory are all proposed extensions to the prior consensus picture. But what does the evidence say?
A thought experiment from 1867 leads scientists to design a groundbreaking information engine.
A new look at existing data by LSU researchers refutes the Trump administration’s claims.
GPT-3, which features 175 billion parameters, just might fool you in a conversation.
One patient’s surprising results have experts cautiously optimistic.
Ketamine’s remarkable effect bolsters a new theory of mental illness.
NASA was dangerously cavalier about the dangers of the shuttle launches.
Bend it. Stretch it. Use it to conduct electricity.
The design of a classic video game yields insights on how to address global poverty.
In all the Universe, only a few particles are eternally stable. The photon, the quantum of light, has an infinite lifetime. Or does it?
A forensics expert explains what’s involved with documenting human rights violations during conflicts, from Afghanistan to Ukraine.
The largest particle accelerator and collider ever built is the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Why not go much, much bigger?
To Fred Hoyle, the Big Bang was nothing more than a creationist myth. 75 years later, it’s cemented as the beginning of our Universe.
Spiritual experiences can be explained in terms of a highly evolved brain. But they also can be extremely meaningful.
Unstable politics and virtue signaling are responsible for creating bureaucratic nightmares.