In terms of the planets we’ve discovered, super-Earths are by far the most common. What does that mean for the Universe?
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The truth may be out there — but it’s not in these close encounters of the third kind.
Millennials — who were raised to expect unlimited success but found only disappointment — can be drawn to manifestation.
Bitcoin’s creator owns five percent of the entire Bitcoin supply, meaning that he has a larger percent of Bitcoin than the U.S. has of gold.
Before there were planets, stars, and galaxies, before even neutral atoms or stable protons, there was the Big Bang. How did we prove it?
If you gave me $400 and I gave you $3.15, would you consider yourself wealthier? That’s a financial analogy for the supposed fusion power “breakthrough.”
A new study upends a long-standing theory on how the brain plans motor actions in uncertain environments.
It’s far less likely to wander into bizarre lies, emotional rants, and manipulative tangents.
Despite the Sun’s high core temperatures, atomic nuclei repel each other too strongly to fuse together. Good thing for quantum physics!
In one experiment, the Viking landers added water to Martian soil samples. That might have been a very bad idea.
It isn’t just identical particles that can be entangled, but even those with fundamentally different properties interfere with each other.
How do you get usable phosphorus into a system? A new study suggests lightning can do the trick.
Nobody knows where the word “penguin” comes from.
True north, magnetic north, and grid north have aligned. There’s also a connection to James Bond.
It’s simple to make, easy to use, and should work against any variant.
Plenty of parents feel guilty about wanting to skip playtime, but there’s no need.
In ancient Rome, collective bathing was the norm. In the West today, it’s the exception — and that’s too bad.
Big Think spoke with animator and animation historian Tom Sito about the cyclical evolution of animation.
Steel tires may be better for the planet and could replace rubber.
A new finding that unconsciously processed images are distributed to higher-order brain networks requires the revision of a popular theory of consciousness.
Forty Starlink satellites were destroyed earlier this year in a geomagnetic storm.
Why can’t more rainwater be collected for the long, dry spring and summer when it’s needed?
Coupled with 3D printing, biomining the Moon or Mars with microbes could sustain human colonies without constant re-supply from Earth.
Stanford psychologist Jamil Zaki discusses the dangers of cynicism and how skepticism can invigorate our relationships and communities.
“No matter how long you’ve been doing a job or how good people say you are, you need to care as if you’ve never done it before.”
Using data collected from ancient civilizations across the world, researchers identified the most significant factors in human development. War came out on top.
These dissolvable pills aren’t meant to be swallowed, though.
Shooting star or piece of space dust?
Thanks to a couple of rovers, we know Mars was once blue.
Before Rome was an empire, it was a republic. And before it was a republic, it was a kingdom ruled by seven mythical kings — some better than others.