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This first-of-its-kind image offers a detailed look at the magnetic fields within the Central Molecular Zone.
If you said “with the Big Bang,” congratulations: that was our best answer as of ~1979. Here’s what we’ve learned in all the time since.
They have held our fascination ever since we first identified their remains.
Dark matter doesn’t absorb or emit light, but it gravitates. Instead of something exotic and novel, could it just be dark, normal matter?
The lithium-ion alternatives could help create a safer, greener future.
Our Universe requires dark matter in order to make sense of things, astrophysically. Could massive photons do the trick?
Big Think spoke with author and psychiatrist Elias Dakwar about addiction, rock bottom, and the moment you realize your compass is broken.
Every organization has a power block of dutiful but unappreciated talent. Here’s an effective plan for engagement.
Are breakthroughs really a matter of chance, or are they simply waiting to be uncovered by the right person at the right time?
Heart muscle is shaped like a spiral, a mystery that has eluded scientists since 1669. New research has recreated the structure.
“Rational vaccinology” could lead to effective cancer vaccines.
Smaller family networks, more great-grandparents, and fewer cousins.
Is it ever possible for God to violate the laws of nature?
Male inequality — the enormous cultural shift happening right under our nose.
15 min
While one may be helpful, the other may be harmful.
Recent research sheds light on how the brain overgeneralizes fear, causing people to be afraid of harmless situations.
The Bullet Cluster has, for nearly 20 years, been hailed as an empirical “proof” of dark matter. Can their detractors explain it away?
Quantum uncertainty and wave-particle duality are big features of quantum physics. But without Pauli’s rule, our Universe wouldn’t exist.
The bots started as windpipe cells, yet they helped nerve cells repair and grow.
What worked before won’t necessarily work this time — and the best leaders will adapt.
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Since 1962, humanity has been sending messages into space with the intent to make contact with intelligent extraterrestrials. Are those efforts worth the risks?
The near and far sides of the Moon are so different from each other, and no one is sure why. New lunar samples could confirm a wild theory.
Dubbed “Valeriana” by researchers, the city of 50,000 peaked around 800 AD before being swallowed by the jungle.
When the hot Big Bang first occurred, the Universe reached a maximum temperature never recreated since. What was it like back then?
Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is both completely normal and absolutely remarkable in a number of ways. Here’s the story of our cosmic home.
The multifaceted nature of company culture is what makes it so challenging — this guide will help you make sense of the complexity.
The Universe, although violent, is filled with creation events following destructive ones. 1850 light-years away, both types are unfolding.
London’s busiest airport seems to be rebounding well from the pandemic — but Istanbul has better prospects in the long run.