A new framework describes how thought arises from the coordination of neural activity driven by oscillating electric fields — a.k.a. brain “waves” or “rhythms.”
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Synchronized activity between the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and thalamus plays a role in memory consolidation.
The study is a solid step toward developing gene therapies against neurodevelopmental disorders.
A recent study highlights the astounding adaptability of the human brain.
Crystallization is an entirely random process, so scientists have developed clever ways to investigate it at a molecular level.
Some scientists see religion as a threat to the scientific method that should be resisted. But faith “is really asking a different set of questions,” says Collins.
5 min
“We are not our grandparents. It’s time to start thinking differently,” journalist Annie Jacobsen told Big Think.
We’ll never be able to extract any information about what’s inside a black hole’s event horizon. Here’s why a singularity is inevitable.
First derived by Emmy Noether, for every symmetry a theory possesses, there’s an associated conserved quantity. Here’s the profound link.
In numerous cultures worldwide, women were just as involved in bringing home the prehistoric bacon as their male counterparts.
Here’s what recent DESI measurements suggest — and why it’s too early to update conventional predictions about the Universe’s distant future.
AIs can imitate but not innovate — for now, at least.
Seventy-five years after the anomaly’s discovery, scientists have finally figured out why sea levels are so much lower here.
An emerging leaders program can help organizations harness leaders from the inside. Read on to learn how to design one.
In today’s political climate, how can we come together and seek some common ground or understanding? What are the mechanics of doing that? Is there some script or set of […]
It’s hard to know what other people know. But it’s not impossible.
Large language models are an impressive advance in AI, but we are far away from achieving human-level capabilities.
Welcome to The Nightcrawler — a weekly newsletter from Eric Markowitz covering tech, innovation, and long-term thinking.
Someday, scientists could use stem cells to guide the development of synthetic organs for patients awaiting transplants.
Your brain may notice fearful faces, even if you don’t consciously realize it.
Big Think Business columnist Eric Markowitz prefaces his new series on long-term thinking with the experience that almost cut his life short.
Like ultra-hardy plants that thrive in harsh conditions, businesses that see crises as opportunities are likely to win in the long run.
There are at least 15 different types of solid water (ice). Now, scientists believe that there might be a second type of liquid water.
There was a lot of hype and a lot of nonsense, but also some profoundly major advances. Here are the biggest ones you may have missed.
De-extinction, if it is ever possible, will not be simple.
It’s good to be a wallflower. But sometimes, you need to show yourself off a bit.
People naturally judge fact from fiction in offline social settings, so why is it so hard online?
It wasn’t merely an act of brutality; it was a condemnation for the afterlife.
This research team is working out how to detect extraterrestrial cells in the liquid water ocean hidden beneath Enceladus’s icy crust.