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You searched for: Computers
Space weather poses a tremendous threat to all satellites, knocking all computer systems offline. Is that a recipe for Kessler syndrome?
The simulation hypothesis is fun to talk about, but believing it requires an act of faith.
Large language models are an impressive advance in AI, but we are far away from achieving human-level capabilities.
Dennis Klatt developed trailblazing text-to-speech systems before losing his own voice to cancer.
A University of Oxford professor explains how conscious machines are possible.
8 min
A new technique that can automatically classify phases of physical systems could help scientists investigate novel materials.
When one path is blocked, a new one must be paved. How Einstein, Heisenberg and Gödel used constraints to make life-changing discoveries:
5 min
Perhaps wormholes will no longer be relegated to the realm of science fiction.
That scary swirling void from which nothing can escape is our perfect universal translation tool.
Humanity is a type 0 civilization. Here’s what types 1, 2, and 3 look like, according to physicist Michio Kaku.
6 min
Jimena Canales shares the “demons” that shaped computer science.
6 min
Walter Pitts rose from the streets to MIT, but couldn’t escape himself.
Step back from the AI maelstrom and explore Lem’s “Summa Technologiae” for a detached look at technology’s role in human evolution.
Flexible organic circuits might someday hook right into your head.
In history, every major technological advance has been used, for good and bad.
More accurate uncertainty estimates could help users decide about how and when to use machine-learning models in the real world.
Journalist Steven Kotler on digital immortality and the tech that could keep us “alive,” forever.
3 min
Our minds seem both physical and intangible. That paradox has gripped this neuroscientist since childhood.
Scientists are probing the head games that influence athletic performance, from coaching to coping with pressure.
We need more data centers for AI. Developers are getting creative about where to build them.
Despite their brief history, computers and AI have fundamentally changed what we see, what we know, and what we do.
Neuroscientist and author Bobby Azarian explores the idea that the Universe is a self-organizing system that evolves and learns.
The meaning of the cryptic text has eluded scholars for centuries. Their latest efforts include computational analyses seeking new insights into the medieval enigma.
Propofol, a drug commonly used for general anesthesia, derails the brain’s normal balance between stability and excitability.
The initial goal of AI was to create machines that think like humans. But that is not what happened at all.
Do humans have souls, or are we just particles? Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder explains.
5 min
Elon Musk suggested remote-controlled, vibrating anal beads. Thankfully, there are more mundane explanations.
The brain implant lets her talk four times faster than the previous record.
Acclaimed writer Mauro Javier Cárdenas used AI in his latest work to surprising effect.