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Personal Growth

10 Steps to Creativity and Boosting Intuitive Awareness

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Living a creative life takes creativity nurturing and intuitive awareness boosting. By having the right external environment and internal tools for flourishing creativity, you not only notice differences in creative practice, but the effects in all areas of your life.

For nurturing creativity and boosting intuitive awareness, here are 10 easy steps to follow.

1.  Find energizing interests.

Everyday tasks can either drain all natural energy or lift you up filling you with energy. Finding what works, then doing them every day, is a boost to your creativity and your energy.

2.  Meditation and reflection.

Calming your mind with meditation helps you refresh by also clearing your mind and bringing out intuitive awareness. This helps to open your thoughts to everything existing around you, which also nurtures creativity.

3.  Creative experimentation.

Make time for creative experimentation. Let your creativity flow without thought, plan or goal, and see what develops. Creative experimentation nurtures and grows your creativeness.

4.  Get enough sleep.

Plenty of sleep is necessary for creative nurturing as well as boosting intuitive awareness. Restful sleep helps with full capacity mind function, making focus easier while opening the mind to creative ideas all day.

5.  Once a week treat.

Once a week, make time for you. When we continually rush from one thing to the next, personal indulgence is forgotten. Indulging is anything you enjoy, like seeing a local art show, having coffee at the corner coffee shop, going to the park, or just relaxing with a good book. Creative inspiration comes from a calm mind which a-once-a-week indulgence provides.

6.  Time with nature has benefits.

Gather limitless creativity and intuitive awareness benefits from spending time with nature. Just experiencing all the wonders of our world with a leisurely beach stroll or a walk in the park raises your creative awareness.

7.  A fun hobby is what you need.

Seems as if everything we do has a special result or goal and we become tied down to that goal. Doing something fun, like a hobby, helps you see the joy in the moment. It helps boost awareness, allowing creative ideas to flow.

8. Your imagination needs to exercise.

Like the rest of your body, the imagination needs to exercise. Start each day with a challenge that’s fun, like a creative game. For example, start with any word, like palm tree. Next, choose a creative medium, like drawing, and try creating something out of those two things. These games help nurture creativity while boosting long-term creative abilities when you exercise your mind with them. Need more inspiration? Here is a good collection of inspirational quotes to help nurture your creativity.

9.  Practice yoga daily.

When practiced daily, yoga centers you and helps fulfill your mind, body, and spirit needs. It clears mind clutter and nurtures creativity while improving intuitive awareness.

10. Everyday reading.

Reading exposes you to others ideas, making you aware of them and your creative thoughts. By reading everyday you gain knowledge and inspiration for improving intuitive awareness and fueling creativity.

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