Ross Pomeroy
Editor, RealClearScience
Steven Ross Pomeroy is the editor of RealClearScience. As a writer, Ross believes that his greatest assets are his insatiable curiosity and his ceaseless love for learning. Follow him on Twitter @SteRoPo.
Science is often awkward and frustratingly uncertain and mindbogglingly complicated. It is also what enriches our lives.
Experiencing the “overview effect” appears to be transformational. Studies show that feelings of awe make subjects more patient, less materialistic, and more willing to volunteer to help others.
Due to arduous competition for limited scientific funds, the pie-in-the-sky ideas that may potentially hide brilliance underneath, are often ignored, abandoned, or simply never undertaken in the first place.
The brilliant Albert Einstein didn’t believe in this realm, and yet he won a Nobel Prize for playing in it.