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Daniel Honan

Former Managing Editor, Big Think

From 2011-2014, Daniel Honan was the Managing Editor at Big Think. Prior to Big Think, Daniel was Vice President of Production for Plum TV, a niche cable network he helped launch in 2002. The production team he oversaw won over two dozen Emmy awards. Daniel has created numerous shows and documentaries for television, and his film credits include Stealing the Fire, a documentary on the black market for nuclear weapons technology.

Follow Daniel on Twitter @DanielHonan

Woody Guthrie saw America differently, and his songs were designed to make people think. And yet, what was most appealing about his persona was his perceived authenticity. 
Who could have predicted that Chief Justice John Roberts would break with the conservative block on the Supreme Court and write the majority opinion upholding the individual mandate, one of […]
Cities live forever, while companies die all the time. As Jonah Lehrer points out in this video, the design ethos of the city is human-centered. The kinds of interactions that happen in cities make us more productive, whereas companies tend to silo knowledge, rely on old ideas, and then die off.
What’s the Big Idea? Unless you are a government or a major monopoly there are very few markets your company can control. Human capital is a notable exception. And yet, […]
According to Jaron Lanier, the right way to think about Alan Turing’s famous “Turing Test” is to understand that it “began in the mind of somebody who was very close to suicide,” and that this test amounted to “a flight from life, but also a defense of life.” 
Is ‘corporate sustainability’ one of those tasks that exist just to be checked off a list and assigned to a few isolated people within your organization? Is your company in the position to do more than just talk about it?
According to a Pew survey, there has been a huge spike in the number of Millennials — those Americans under 30 — who doubt the existence in God. According to the […]
Learn how human-technology co-evolution, Technik and technology quotient are among the key skills necessary for success in the Hybrid Age. 
Why would so many people take time off from their smart phones to watch the Transit of Venus through a telescope? According to Bill Nye, it is our human desire to explore. If we ever lose that desire, we’re not going to move forward as a species.