Bernadette Meyler
Professor Meyler's research and teaching focus primarily on the intersections between constitutional law and the common law, British and American legal history, law and literature, and law and religion. Her articles have appeared or are forthcoming in numerous law reviews and peer-reviewed journals, including, among others, the Stanford Law Review, Cornell Law Review, UCLA Law Review, Boston College Law Review, Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, Law, Culture, and the Humanities, Diacritics, Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, and Theory and Event. She received a Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies and a Chancellor's Fellowship to pursue her doctorate in English at the University of California, Irvine. Following law school, she clerked for the Hon. Robert A. Katzmann of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Professor Meyler is admitted to the New York Bar. She is also a member of the Graduate Field of English and founded and leads Cornell's annual Law & Humanities Colloquium. Professor Meyler is currently working on two book manuscripts - Towards a Common Law Originalism and Theaters of Pardoning: Sovereignty and Judgment from Shakespeare to Kant.