An ancient continent called Balkanatolia rose and fell in the area in and around what is now the eastern Mediterranean.
A new method of extracting rare-earth elements could put us on the track toward a circular economy.
When we fail to help in a bad situation, we are morally responsible. So, why don’t we pick up others’ litter?
The Big Bang was hot, dense, uniform, and filled with matter and energy. Before that? There was nothing. Here’s how that’s possible.
Investments in public libraries are a long-term investment in children and communities.
Vladimir Putin adores Fyodor Dostoevsky. A close reading of the legendary author’s texts reveals the feeling might have been mutual.
Human organs don’t always show up where doctors expect.
Kids’ underdeveloped brains seem to help them acquire new languages with little effort.
More than any other of Einstein’s equations, E = mc² is the most recognizable to people. But what does it all mean?
The paradox of tribalism is that humans need a sense of belonging to be healthy and happy, but too much tribalism is deadly. We are one tribe.
The world’s great whales aren’t just vulnerable where they congregate, but everywhere they roam.
It took a series of ingenious experiments in the 20th century to uncover some of our biggest cognitive biases.
Despite being the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury “only” reaches 800 °F at its hottest. Venus is always hotter, even at night.
Graphical user interfaces are how most of us interact with computers, from iPhones to laptops. But they were once condemned as making students lazy and destroying the art of writing.
Socrates lived during a time when people did not strive to separate fact from fiction. So how much of what we know about Socrates is true?
Planet Earth has been around for over 4.5 billion years, but humans? For 99.998% of our planet’s history, humans were nowhere to be found.
Altos Labs, a new biotech firm with $3 billion in funding, has announced plans to combat aging. But what does that mean for human life span, exactly?
In “Off the Edge”, journalist Kelly Weill dives down the strange rabbit hole of the flat-Earther community.
Professional astronomy images are the gold standard. But this Large Magellanic Cloud composite is the amateur community’s best image ever.
Researchers look to an FDA-approved drug ingredient that can “scoop-up” and store cholesterol and possibly stave off post-stroke dementia.
A lot of research assumes happiness is measured by comfort and material conditions. For Aristotle, it is about being the best we can be.
In theory, history is the sum of everything that ever happened; in practice, it’s a story we tell ourselves to make sense of and justify our actions in the present.
A study finds that sex is “moderate intensity physical activity,” similar to light jogging or leisurely swimming.
Da Vinci dreamed up a helicopter 400 years before they actually existed. Now, engineers have brought his design to life, but with a twist.
According to surveys, approximately half of artificial intelligence experts believe that general AI will emerge by 2060.
If you think of the Big Bang as an explosion, we can trace it back to a single point-of-origin. But what if it happened everywhere at once?
Russia has long sought to erase the mere idea of Ukraine. But people like my grandmother, born in Druzhkivka, will not let Russia win.
Is the multiverse real? It’s one of the hottest questions in all of theoretical physics. We invited two astrophysicists to join the debate.
The first recorded brain activity of a person during their death suggests a biological trigger for near-death experiences.
The Bolsheviks may have created Ukraine’s current borders, but that doesn’t mean dismantling them is good for today’s Russia.