From quarks and gluons to giant galaxy clusters, everything that exists in our Universe is determined by what is (and isn’t) bound together.
It can write 5-minute songs based on short text prompts.
Though Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” is a classic military treatise, its advice applies to all manner of conflict.
Ocean fertilization is extremely controversial, but if done correctly, it just might work.
The LHC has a long, productive life ahead of it. An upgraded version, called the “High Luminosity LHC,” will be available in 2028.
A study shows that the brains of lonely individuals respond in odd ways to visual stimuli, while those of non-lonely people react similarly.
The acceptance of our cosmic loneliness and the rarity of our planet is a wakeup call.
To understand Vincent van Gogh, we must first debunk the myth of the tortured artist. Van Gogh believed his illness inhibited his creativity.
80% of the world was once polygamous. What happened?
5 min
Perhaps we should be searching for “other Mercurys” rather than “other Earths.”
JWST has brought us more distant views of the early Universe than ever before. Is the Big Bang, and all of modern cosmology, in trouble?
Cosmologists are largely still in the dark about the forces that drive the Universe.
Becoming a renter in today’s economy may be a smart decision for some people.
The curiosity of children is a national resource. Adults destroy it.
Without modularization, many epic projects simply would be impossible.
If you look into a mirror, you’ll notice that left-and-right are reversed, but up-and-down is preserved. The reason isn’t what you think.
What would become the Big Bang model started from a crucial idea: that the young Universe was denser and hotter.
From consciousness to nothingness and beyond, these questions still baffle the brightest minds. Will they ever be solved?
“You gotta know when to fold ’em.”
Nearly 2000 years ago, Mt. Vesuvius erupted, burying Pompeii but incinerating Herculaneum. The most lethal volcanic phenomenon is at fault.
Is Eliezer Yudkowsky the same false prophet that Paul Ehrlich was?
Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works engineering division has devised many jaw-dropping aircraft. Here are some of the best — and one ship.
Like Mars today, Venus used to be a sci-fi superstar. Recent discoveries could re-ignite our interest in Earth’s “evil twin.”
The old linear job model is obsolete. Our post-pandemic work lives are defined by options and flexibility.
For decades, theorists have been cooking up “theories of everything” to explain our Universe. Are all of them completely off-track?
A recent study is the first to fabricate electronic components from endogenous molecules.
Research suggests parenthood helps couples tune into each other’s minds and emotional states.
It’s a lot easier to point out things that are gezellig (adjective) than it is to define gezelligheid (noun) itself.
April 17, 2023
Many of the clues are based on content that you can read on Big Think. Good luck!