Your pictures of volcanoes are wanted!
If you haven’t noticed, I like to use pictures of volcanoes on this here blog. Sometimes I use pictures I’ve taken, but I know that many of you have pictures that would put mine to shame. So, I’d like to ask you, Eruptions readers, if you would send me pictures of volcanoes – erupting or not – that I might use on the blog. I will be sure to give you appropriate credit for the image and if you’d like me to link to your homepage/blog/website whatever, I can do that as well. If you do choose to send me images, please make sure to list the volcano, approximately when you took it and any other pertinent information (such as the details or memories of when you took it). I’ll try to incorporate these images into blog entries on the volcanoes and maybe even have a special showcase of great volcano images.
Please send images to eruptionsblog