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What I said to the NEA

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Earlier this month I asked what you would say to the NEA Board of Directors if you had the chance. Thank you, everyone, who chimed in with thoughts and suggestions. Here’s what I ended up showing and saying to NEA’s Board. As you’ll hear, I pushed them a bit…

  • Audio of presentation (21 MB mp3)
  • Audio of post-presentation Q&A (26 MB mp3)
  • UPDATE: Art Wolinsky kindly synchronized the audio and the slides for me if you’d like to watch the presentation as an integrated whole rather than accessing the slides and audio separately. He’s also added the video to TeacherTube. Thanks, Art!

    Interesting observation #1: The room was set up kind of like the United Nations. Here is the delegation from North Carolina. And over here is the delegation from Idaho…

    Interesting observation #2: If you say the word ‘Walmart’ to NEA folks, they instinctively boo and hiss? Apparently they’re not big fans of Walmart…

    Everyone at NEA was very kind to me and I appreciated the opportunity to speak with them. I’m not sure what they’ll do (if anything) with what I said but I guess we’ll see! For those of you who are interested, you can check out my NEA web page, which includes additional resources.

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    • What would YOU say to the NEA?
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