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Wednesday Whatzits: Drilling still causing concern at Campi Flegrei, the hazards of volcanic air and the latest GVP report

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Busy as I get back from Fall Break – and only a week and change until the Geological Society of America Meeting in Denver. If you haven’t check already, commenting has had some renovations on the site … but onto some quick news:

Drilling at Campi Flegrei: The news story that will never die returns with more about the so-called hazards of drilling to learn more about the Campi Flegrei in Italy. I still heavily lean towards the idea that there is much more danger in not learning more about the caldera than any perceived threat from drilling. I am also a little irked about the comparison is Newsweek article makes between drilling at the Campi Flegrei and the Lusi mud volcano – the two situations are only vaguely related in both process and form.

The hazards of volcanic air: Not surprisingly, breathing air that is filled with volcanic ash and gases is not good for your lungs. A new study by Dr. Bernadette Longo (and others) in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health shows the connection between eruptions on the big island of Hawai`i at Kilauea and spikes in health complaints from breathing the volcanic air. This is especially so for children who breath through their mouth more than adults. It is also startling to see how much sulfur dioxide makes it into buildings, so even being indoors might not protect you. 

Last week’s GVP Volcanic Activity Report: Somehow I completely skipped posting last week’s update, so here it is. Good stuff in there about the activity at Planchon-Peteroa, Poas and Soufriere Hills.

Top left: A skylight on an Kilauea lava tube – volcanic gases are a serious health hazard in Hawai`i.

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