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The ‘flipped classroom’ [WEBINAR]

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[ARCHIVE: Did you miss the webinar? Watch it here! (65 minutes) Be sure to read the comments too! Want to continue the discussion? Look over the resources on the webinar wiki page and then click on the Discussion tab at the top!]

To whet your appetites for the rich conversations that will occur at Edubloggercon and the ISTE conference this year, I’m pleased to announce this upcoming webinar on the ‘flipped classroom.’

WHAT: Webinar – The ‘flipped classroom’

Despite its now-famous Dan-Pink-sponsored affiliation with our esteemed colleague, Karl Fisch, is the ‘flipped classroom’ a true innovation or just a new label on the old stale wine of lectures? Is it something we should be encouraging or discouraging? If it has benefits, are they worth the accompanying drawbacks? Please join us for a lively, 1-hour online discussion about the ‘flipped classroom.’

WHEN: June 15, 2:00pm to 3:00pm Central Standard Time (Chicago). Yes, we’ll record it and put the link here for those who can’t attend.

WHERE: [enter as a guest]

WHO: An all-star lineup of educators who have been writing and thinking about this topic lately!

  • Jonathan Bergmann
  • Karl Fisch
  • Jerrid Kruse
  • Jonathan Martin
  • Sylvia Martinez
  • Pam Moran
  • Frank Noschese
  • Ira Socol, and, if some miracle happens and his schedule opens up,
  • David Truss.
  • Not familiar with the ‘flipped classroom’ concept? Read the Dan Pink link above and/or click on the names of the participants above. Anyone is welcome to contribute questions for discussion beforehand. It should be a lively discussion. Hope to see you there!

    Image credit:Pick me! Pick me!

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