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SI/USGS Weekly Volcano Activity Report for 4/29-5/5/2009

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All the eruptions fit to print from the Smithsonsian/USGS GVP Weekly Report.

A few highlights (not including Redoubt, Rinjani and Slamet):

  • Multiple ash plumes from Galeras (Colombia), some producing noticeable ash fall up to 35 km from the vent.
  • The Alert Level at Anak Krakatau, Indonesia was raised to 3 (out of 4) after a sharp increase in the number of explosions.
  • The Alert Level at Cleveland in Alaska was lowered from Yellow to “Unassigned” (no Green for Cleveland as there is no real-time seismic network for the volcano, thus no “background levels” to compare.)
  • Ebeko in Russia continues to produce ash plumes that reach 2-3.5 km / 6-10,000 feet.
  • Incandescence, gas emissions and 2.4 / 8,000 foot ash plumes continues to be observed from the Tavurvur vent at Rabaul, Papua New Guinea.
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