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Nokia and Vodafone: Mobile Knowledge for Social Change

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nOne result of the popularity of Wikinomics has been the number of collaborative wikis that have been launched by organizations and corporations in order to share ideas around the world. For example, Nokia and Vodafone recently hooked up on a new wiki called Share Ideas, which has a tagline of “mobile knowledge for social change.” The idea behind the wiki is that innovative thinking about mobile technology can spearhead massive societal change in neglected parts of the world such as sub-Saharan Africa:

“ is an online community and a wiki for sharing ideasnon how to use mobile communications for social and environmentalnbenefits. was created with support from Nokia and Vodafone,nbut belongs to the growing global network of individuals andnorganizations that use this virtual gathering place to communicate -nand collaborate.


The idea for came from Ndidi Nwuneli, foundernand CEO of LEAP Africa, a Nigerian NGO dedicated to nurturing a newngeneration of African leaders. “Groups like ours would really benefit from a resource thatnshows us how to use mobile technology to carry out our work moreneffectively,” said Ndidi at a Nokia stakeholder event of NGO and corporate leaders. was created in response to Ndidi’s request.”n

[image: Share Ideas]


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