ISTE, Edubloggercon, and TIE

Three upcoming events worth noting…
The annual ISTE conference is right around the corner. Over 13,000 people attended last year, along with 456 vendors. The annual goal is to up educators’ proficiencies with learning technologies. The annual challenge is to move beyond the tools themselves to get at discussions regarding higher-level learning and teaching. Will we succeed?
I’m facilitating a panel session this year (on June 27): What does it mean to be a tech-savvy principal? Many of you will recognize the panelists from CASTLE’s Connected Principals blog: George Couros, Lyn Hilt, Patrick Larkin, Brian Nichols, and Eric Sheninger. There is an ISTE Conference Ning page for the session, which includes our tentative list of questions for the participants. If you’d like to add a question of your own, you can leave it as a comment there or here. More information about the session is available in the online ISTE conference program.
After my campaign of last year, I’m delighted that Chris Lehmann was selected as a keynote speaker for ISTE this year. Hope to see many of you in the Blogger’s Cafe or the Newbies Lounge (where I’ll be spending much of my time schmoozing with old friends or new ones!).
On the Saturday before ISTE (June 25) will be the annual Edubloggercon. A day-long unconference, I believe that Edubloggercon represents the best of what ISTE can be: rich discussions around important educational technology topics. Learn more at the Edubloggercon web page. A huge thanks to Steve Hargadon for once again organizing what I know will be an amazing day of conversation and learning.
TIE Colorado Leadership Academy
For those of you who are in the Colorado area, check out the upcoming TIE Colorado Leadership Academy. Pam Moran and Ira Socol are headlining the event. I really wish I could attend; I’m trying to get Pam and Ira out to Iowa and/or Kentucky sometime in the near future. It looks like it will be an awesome day of learning for principals and superintendents. We need more technology conferences aimed at school leaders; support this one!