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In The Lion’s Den

A deer was fatally injured after it jumped into the lion’s den at the National Zoo.
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“A deer that jumped a wall at the National Zoo was fatally injured by two lions Sunday as dozens of startled spectators looked on,” reports The Washington Post. “Zoo spokeswoman Pamela Baker-Masson described the incident as highly unusual. It began about 2:50 p.m. as visitors lined the perimeter wall of an enclosure that contained two female lions, and it involved a deer that may have entered from Rock Creek Park. ‘Everyone was cheering, ‘Go, go, go’’ to encourage the deer to reach safety, witness Josh Shpayher said. ‘Everyone was rooting for the deer.’ As recounted by witnesses, the deer, over as much as 20 minutes, was in and out of a moat while the lions clutched, clawed or swatted it. A crowd of spectators grew. Some shrieked, cried out or took children away.”

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