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God Is…Alive?

The English philosopher Andrew Flew who argued for the existence of God after a lifetime of atheism has died at the age of 87.
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The English philosopher Andrew Flew who argued for the existence of God after a lifetime of atheism has died at the age of 87. “Antony Flew, an English philosopher and outspoken atheist who stunned and dismayed the unbelieving faithful when he announced in 2004 that God probably did exist, died April 8 in Reading, England. He was 87 and lived in Reading…Mr. Flew, the son of a Methodist minister, embraced atheism as a teenager. ‘It just seemed flatly inconsistent to say that the universe was created by an omnipotent and perfectly good being,’ he told The Sunday Times of London in 2004. ‘Yet there were evils in abundance which could not be put down to a consequence of human sin.'”

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