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Do-Gooders Held

Ten Americans are being held by Haitian authorities after they attempted to leave the country with 33 children who didn’t have passports.

Ten Americans are being held by Haitian authorities after they attempted to leave the country with 33 children who didn’t have passports. “Ten Americans were detained by Haitian police on Saturday as they tried to bus 33 children across the border into the Dominican Republic, allegedly without proper documents. The Baptist church members from Idaho called it a ‘Haitian Orphan Rescue Mission,’ meant to save abandoned children from the chaos following Haiti’s earthquake. Their plan was to scoop up 100 kids and take them by bus to a rented hotel at a beach resort in the Dominican Republic, where they planned to establish an orphanage. Whether they realized it or not, these Americans – the first known to be taken into custody since the Jan. 12 earthquake – put themselves in the middle of a firestorm in Haiti, where government leaders have suspended adoptions amid fears that parentless or lost children are more vulnerable than ever to child trafficking.”

Ten American missionaries arrested in Haiti for trying to remove 33 children from the country in the aftermath of last month’s earthquake were charged yesterday with child kidnapping.

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