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Creativity fatigue: Is it really possible to stop learning?

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Wesley Fryer has an interesting post on ‘creativity fatigue: the notion that over time we get tired or more unwilling to continuously be creative / innovative (i.e., do new things). I agree with Wesley that at some level we need to actively combat inclinations to get set in our ways and to do things in ways that we always have or that are comfortable to us. I think a little discomfort keeps us moving forward…

That said, I have some other thoughts on the concept of ‘creativity fatigue.’ Here is the comment I just left at Wesley’s blog:

I think there’s a larger, underlying issue here: ‘innovation fatigue.’ School districts keep rolling out new programs / paradigms that aren’t well thought out, understood, or supported. Teachers rationally get tired and skeptical after years of this. And then we outside folks roll in saying ‘here’s the next big thing!’ and their eyes begin to roll back in their heads…

Second thought: no one stops learning. Seriously. I’m not sure as a human that it’s possible to stop learning. Teachers just might not be learning what we want them to (because they’re not interested / engaged)…

Final thought: one cause for ‘creativity fatigue’ in K-12 educators may be the constant quashing from above. Learners / innovators tend to want to implement what they learn! The school systems that are set up to systemically support innovative, out-of-the-box thinking (or even simple, useful suggestions) by classroom teachers are few and far between.

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