AU Students Examine The Communication and Policy Dynamics of Debates Over Reproductive Health

This semester, as part of the course on Science, the Environment and the Media at American University, four graduate students in the class have focused their group project on the communication dimensions of the policy debates over abortion and stem cell research. Like all of the groups in the course, they have been blogging about the topic for most of the semester, culminating next week in a final report based on the research they have conducted.
The reproductive health team went a step beyond the other groups and created their own Web site and blog to host their work. Below I have posted highlights from their work so far. Also check out the very useful timelines they put together on the stem cell and abortion debates.
International Funding and the Legalities of Stem Cell Research by Natalie Shuster.
Engaging Religious Americans on When Life Begins by Karen Franz.
A Look at Current State Battles Over Abortion by Madeline Priest.
The Media Spotlight on Timothy Atchison, Stem Cell Therapy Patient by Natalie Shuster.
Analysis of Congressional Efforts to Limit Abortion Efforts by Sarah Sonies.