What Makes a Good Marriage? Sex, Love, Shared Interests?

Author Gay Talese came by Big Think this afternoon and spoke to us about marriage, the subject of his next book. He is writing about his own half-century-long (and still going strong) marriage to Nan Talese, the legendary book editor. He downplayed the role of sex in a lasting marriage, pooh-poohed love, and declared that the most important ingredient is mutual respect. He also spoke about why nonfiction writers are looked upon as second-class citizens compared to novelists and why the tape recorder has destroyed long-form journalism. Not one to rush into adopting new technologies, he asked us to send him a VHS tape of our interview because he doesn’t have an Internet connection.
Our interview with Talese will be posted Saturday. This is the second time he has spent an hour with Big Think. Last year he spoke to us about writer’s block, Oprah, and the art of interviewing, among other things.