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Video! My Speech at the 2012 Secular Student Alliance Convention

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This past July, I had the privilege of being one of the keynote speakers at the Secular Student Alliance’s annual convention in Columbus, Ohio. I’ve been promising video, but until now, I’ve only had this teaser photo. Well, I’m happy to say your waiting is over, because the SSA has just posted the full talk on their YouTube channel. Here it is:

(Most of my slides are visible in the video, but I can also provide the full set on request.)

Thanks to the SSA for inviting me! It was an honor to be there, and I hope I lived up to the trust they placed in me. And don’t forget, I’m on the speakers’ bureau, so why not invite me to your school?

Daylight Atheism: The Book is now available! Click here for reviews and ordering information.

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