Big Ideas for Earth Day

Has the impact of human behavior on the Earth’s atmosphere created a new geological epoch? If so, we must shift gears radically, and that is what today’s “Eco Warriors” — people like Richard Branson, Michael Bloomerg, Stella McCartney and others — are doing, forging innovative partnerships between science, business and activism to manage mankind’s impact on the environment.
In today’s lesson we trace the modern environmental movement from its origins in Rachel Carson’s seminal bookSilent Spring to photographer Roger Moenk’s project to rebrand the movement, I Am Eco Warrior.
Along the way we also trace significant milestones that occurred since the first Earth Day was observed in 1970. We also consider the responsibility that corporations have in combating climate change.
If we are to make significant changes in our relationship to the environment, Moenks argues we need new role models, and we need to support these “Eco Warriors” so they can “get to work and keep on raising the awareness and push corporations, governments, society at large to make better decisions.”