The right questions are those sparked from the joy of discovery.
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When you bring two fingers together, you can feel them “touch” each other. But are your atoms really touching, and if so, how?
There might be a hard limit to our knowledge of the Universe.
What we’ve learning from the world’s coldest, most forbidding, and most peaceful continent.
Personal finance advice is often over-simplified and fails to consider economic research or people’s unique circumstances.
Some Europeans really don’t want to use the internet.
Evil is easy to identify and fight against; not so with stupidity.
Size matters, but it’s not the only thing.
Viruses, it turns out, can block one another and take turns to dominate.
To Einstein, nature had to be rational. But quantum physics showed us that there was not always a way to make it so.
By developing skills like divergent thinking and collaboration in the workforce, creativity training has the potential to unlock revolutionary ideas.
Warm relationships protect your mind and body from the slings and arrows of life.
Close to 70% of drugs advertised on TV offer little to no benefit over other cheaper drugs.
Sniffing out a deal.
In Einstein’s relativity and the Standard Model, we only have three spatial dimensions. But there could be more, and many think there are.
One study suggested that the “Methuselah Star” is older than the Universe itself.
These 5 research-backed tips can turn bad habits into financial gain.
There is a strong case to be made that the China has moved too slowly to reverse the effects of its one-child policy.
Created in the 1880s, “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan,” which depicts a father murdering his son, divides Russians to this day.
Some objects were softer than others.
It is estimated that as many as 488 million people worldwide were exposed to dangerously long working hours in 2016.
Capacitors, acid batteries, and other methods of storing electric charges all lose energy over time. These gravity-fed batteries won’t.
In just a few seconds, a gamma-ray burst blasts out the same amount of energy that the Sun will radiate throughout its entire life.
The Centennial State is technically a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon.
Each year, several trillion pounds of microscopic silicon-based skeletons fall down the water column to pile up into siliceous ooze.
When we don’t find ways to relieve chronic stress, personal burnout is the likely consequence.
Give yourself (and others) a break.
Humanity’s newest, most powerful space telescope is performing even better than predicted. The reason why is unprecedented.
Has the “age of psychopharmacology” shrunk society’s sense of responsibility for mental health?
Ancient bones reveal that domesticated felines were at home in Pre-Neolithic Poland around 8,000 years ago.