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Update: Our two leagues (yes, two!) are now full. Sorry… It’s time for another season of edublogger fantasy baseball (and, yes, you have to be an edublogger)! Last year’s champion, Jim […]
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] India’s quest to create a $10 laptop is getting a lot of press this week. Fast Company notes that the proposed design will have 2 […]
n [Download this file: pngpptpptx] n Imagine that, day after day, all you have to eat and drink are bread and water. When that’s all that you’ve ever had, it tastes […]
I love winter. But I’ll admit it’s been a bit nippy here lately. Here was the temp when I got out of my class in Mason City Wednesday night: My […]
Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society just released a massive report, Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies. Here’s a quote from the study: Sexual solicitation and predation are […]
I just ran across this eSchoolNews video from my 2007 Leaders in Learning trip to Washington, DC. I had completely forgotten about it. For those of you who are interested, […]
It’s time to revive the crimson megaphone! After a long hiatus, I really, really need to get my list of blogs that deserve a bigger audience (DABA) back up and […]
If you haven’t seen them yet, here are two ads currently being aired by Kaplan University. They come out pretty strongly against the traditional postsecondary paradigm. What do you think? 
Seth Godin passed along this video at Pwn or Die, noting that it’s pretty disturbing to watch the graphic intersection of commercialization and children. From a marketing sense, however, you have […]
This year I’m going to try and do a better job of letting folks know where I’m going to be. David Warlick’s excellent at this… (* = public events) n […]
n This is Minnie, our Dell Inspiron 910 Mini “netbook” that’s the newest addition to our computer family. As the pictures show, she’s a lot smaller than my ThinkPad X61 Tablet. […]