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From the National Academies recent report on evolution: “As SCIENCE, EVOLUTION, AND CREATIONISM makes clear, the evidence for evolution can be fully compatible with religious faith. Science and religion are […]
In the left side bar, I have had a standing policy on comments for the past year. Here’s what it says: Keep it substantive, serious minded, on topic, and respectful. […]
A few weeks ago I highlighted this relevant finding from the massive amount of data contained in Pew’s annual State of the Media report. And Chris highlighted the results of […]
Speculation mounts as to whether Gore will endorse either Obama or Clinton in the Democratic Primary race. My suggestion would be that he stay out of election politics in 2008, […]
From E.O. Wilson’s appearance last year on PBS Bill Moyers talking about the common moral obligation among atheists and evangelicals to take collective action on the environment: Let us– in […]