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Here’s the latest educational technology video that’s making the rounds. I know a few professors like this! “If you are here, why are we Skyping?”
Here’s a 10-minute video I helped make that advocates for P-12 online learning. Created by Intermediate District 287 in Minnesota, which heads up the Northern Star Online collaborative, the video […]
A baker’s dozen of great Scott blogs… Dilbert Blog, Scott Adams Scott Berkun, Scott Berkun (wrote a fantastic book, BTW!) Scott Kelby’s Photoshop Insider, Scott Kelby HELLO, my name is […]
In case you missed them, here are a couple of slides that Darren Kuropatwa recently posted in the Great Quotes About Learning and Change Flickr pool: Slide credits Knowledge isn’t in our […]
According to Feedburner, here are the subscriber numbers for Dangerously Irrelevant for the past 7 days. Either Feedburner’s got a glitch in its monitoring/reporting or people are finally discovering my brilliance (it’s […]
Last month I gave an inspired presentation to the Board of Directors for the National Education Association (NEA), our nation’s largest teachers union. As you can see from the NEA’s […]
[Cross-posted at the Iowa 1to1 Network] As the following chart illustrates, more Iowa workers were employed in May 2008 than in any other month in the past two years. Since […]
I usually am pretty impressed with the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). I find that its books typically are of high quality. One of the best conferences I ever […]