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I know I don’t really start until tomorrow, but I thought that I’d publishnone blog post today to try and create a little context for the things I’llnprobably say this […]
How was your weekend? I’d be willing to bet you watched at least a little football yesterday. I’d be surprised if you didn’t think about politics once or twice this […]
Have you ever thought about technology issues facing less developed nations? Well…that is my perspective for this week. To begin my guest blogging week, I would like to share some […]
The Networked Readiness Index measures how prepared countries are to tap into the power of ICTs by focusing on the readiness of the environment and stakeholders as well as measuring […]
I previously posted about wireless technologies in less developed nations. Kofi Annan supported this view nearly 4 years ago! One cool indigenous Wi-Fi innovation, is the Cambodian motoman. Here, motorcycle […]
How much technology does a school need and how does a school leader ensure that the right technology is in place?   Well, those are a couple of tough questions but […]
There was a time not so long ago that I would cart along a laptop and a Palm device, in my case a Tungsten T3, wherever I went, whether on […]
I didn’t anticipate writing all week about leadership, technology, and change but I am glad things turned out that way. It caused me to challenge and stretch my own thinking. I hope […]
My name is Jon Becker and I am an assistant professor in the Department of Foundations, Leadership and Policy Studies (FLPS) of the School of Education and Allied Human Services […]
If you haven’t read the popular non-fiction book Freakonomics, I highly recommend it.  Or, if it’s more your speed, you can visit the website associated with the book.  The authors […]
I’ve been wanting to write this piece for a long time, but never figured out the right outlet.  This blog, however, is a great space for me to try it […]
Well, I’ve really enjoyed this week of guest blogging.  As an academic whose professional livelihood requires writing according to lots of strict formatting and content guidelines, I find a lot […]
Guest Blogger, Marion Ginopolis, is the former Superintendent of the Oxford Michigan Public Schools and Director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded leadership/technology program, LEADing the Future. She […]