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The Yemeni papers are full of the tragic news of the Yemenia crash last night off the coast of the Comoros Islands. The victims and their families are in our […]
For those who may have missed it, the new issue of the CTC Sentinel is out. Even though they don’t let me write for them anymore they still have good […]
There is much going on in Yemen this morning, but briefly, the two main stories are al-‘Awfi’s confession and the fighting in Ja’ar. I first heard about al-‘Awfi’s confession last […]
Still little word on the remaining kidnapping victims, although Yemen says the search is on-going. Three are dead and one more wounded from the same family, which the government is […]
As the Huthi rebellion continues to gain more international attention, I’m worried that we will start to see more reports like this one from NPR. There really isn’t much here, […]
So, right now, Ali Abdullah Salih is being parodied on Saturday Night Live. For long-time Yemen observers, and Waq al-Waq readers, we have entered very strange times.
Last night at a dinner in DC I had a chance to pose the question of spelling v. pronunciation of Jazan/Jizan to a Saudi official. He explained to me that […]
قال مصدر مسئول في وزارة الدفاع بأن ما أعلنه عبدالملك الحوثي حول وقف الحرب ضد المملكة العربية السعودية وانسحابه من أراضيها التي تسلل وقام بالاعتداء عليها ليس سوى محاولة جديدة […]
I was going to write something about the alleged truce, but I can’t quite wrap my mind around. I will say, though, that if you are someone who looks around […]
For those with an interest in hearing me talk as opposed to just reading the blog, I will be on the Takeaway at the very early hour of 7:30 am […]
Here at Waq al-waq we rarely take a stand on issues (unless it is how to transliterate Arabic words) or endorse different things, but from time to time we break […]
Today is just one of those days when, try as I might, I just can’t keep my mind on the work I’m supposed to be doing and am instead sucked […]
In today’s issue of today’s papers Greg asks why the government isn’t linking the bombings to al–Wahayshi or al–Raymi. My feeling is that the bombing, while troubling and scary, is […]
According to a statement posted to jihadi forums, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is claiming responsibility for the suicide attack that killed four South Korean tourists and a Yemeni guide […]
For those of you in DC the next couple of days present a number of different options.Tomorrow the Henry L. Stimson Center is hosting Mustafa Alani to talk about Yemen […]
Having finally caught up, at least for the day, with various projects I decided to tackle the multiplying piles of reading I had beside my desk. But an early article […]
In my continuing efforts to turn Waq al-waq into my own personal calendar – it tends to work better than the plastic bags and scraps of receipts and newspapers I […]
Yesterday at a graduation ceremony for Qur’anic students, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Majid al-Zindani commented on the growing calls for secession, claiming that while reform was necessary one should not confuse that […]