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Both Will Richardson and Andrew Pass blogged about tonight’s conversation with Senator Lamar Alexander regarding the proposed America COMPETES legislation. I will be participating in that conference call too. FYI, […]
Cara Hagen has a fun post on her EdTechConnection blog describing the challenges she faces as she tries to balance blogging and learning new technologies with the other demands of […]
Recently I had the good fortune to be a featured guest on Comcast Newsmakers, a show that runs occasionally after CNN Headline News and is viewed across Minnesota and western […]
In the March issue of NEA Today magazine, a high school Spanish teacher writes in: I use a lottery to reward homework completion. All my students write their names on […]
Another installment of my ongoing series of half-finished (and quite possibly half-baked) thoughts that are running through my head… Meetings Stand up and save time? I am guessing some (many?) […]
I have three young kids, so macaroni and cheese is a staple in our household. But the box drives me bonkers. ‘To open, push here.‘ Are there any more dreaded […]
Many of my educational leadership colleagues across the country would say that they are working in the area of social justice. They write articles with titles like Expanding the landscape […]
What do 6 superintendents, 22 principals, 7 educational leadership professors, and 10 other central office / leadership folks have in common? They’re all blogging for LeaderTalk, the first group blog […]
[cross-posted at LeaderTalk] Cognitive dissonance . noun. conflict or anxiety resulting from inconsistency between one’s beliefs and one’s actions. [definition from the American Heritage Dictionary ] I believe that one […]
Yesterday I uploaded our third CASTLE Conversations podcast. I interviewed Julie Sykes, a doctoral student here at the University of Minnesota, about her Spanish Pragmatics Project, which is using virtual […]
The Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Project recently released a report titled An Education Strategy to Promote Opportunity, Prosperity, and Growth . After noting that approximately $874 billion per year is spent […]
Jeff Yearout, Ed Tech Treehouse , sent me a link to this article in the Wichita Eagle. Although the article is framed around the concept that we’re losing our boys, […]
Here are some thoughts that are running through my head as we head into the weekend. They’re either half-finished or half-baked. I’m not sure which… Silence (or else)! I found […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices. Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight nine bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Today’s new voice: Dave Sherman, Mr. […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices. Over the past week and a half I have been profiling new bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Today I conclude this […]
Dangerously Irrelevant was six months old last week. It has been a non-stop learning journey. Like Pete, I too have been pleased with the warm welcome extended to me by […]
Susan Funk , in her spiritedly assertive comment to my recent post on Kelly Christopherson , said, “Hey! I want some feedback on my recent blog post !” So here […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices. Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight nine bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Today’s new voice: Scott Schwister, Higher […]
If we’re going to teach Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy skills in schools, we need ways of determining whether or not those skills have been learned by students. The […]
Well, it appears that Did You Know? has gone viral (again?). Both Karl Fisch and I have been getting boatloads of e-mails and phone calls lately from non-education folks. Apparently […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices. Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight nine bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Today’s new voice: Rick Scheibner, […]
As an untenured professor at a major research university, of necessity I spend a lot of time thinking and talking about ‘writing’ and ‘publication.’ I’ve blogged about some of this […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices. Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Today’s new voice: Scott Elias, Do I […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices. Over the next week and a half, I will profile eight bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Most represent a leadership perspective. […]