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Listen to this post! There are some great conversations going on right now about Marc Prensky’s article, Engage Me or Enrage Me. One is at Dennis Fermoyle’s blog; the other […]
Listen to this post! Dear Kelly, as usual, your recent post is deeply thoughtful. So is your comment to my previous post. That said, I don’t feel like you’ve quite […]
Listen to this post! I had the pleasure of spending last Friday morning with the Minneapolis Public Schools Technology Planning Steering Committee. Coleen Kosloski, Director of Information Technology Services, gave […]
I think a lot of folks have been doing some great blogging, so I’m not quite sure what I did to deserve this, but thank you, Christian and Chris. Also, […]
Listen to this post! What happened to Ed-Tech Insider? Tom seems to be blogging faithfully but no one else seems to have posted in months? I hope it’s not dying […]
Did You Know? (version 1 and/or version 2) has now been seen by over 10 million people online. This is the post that went viral in February 2007. In November […]
Listen to this post! A couple of days ago Network World had a story on the latest generation of GPS technologies used to track schoolbuses. The Everyday Wireless system that […]
Listen to this post! The Minneapolis Star Tribune has a story on CASTLE’s Principal Blogging Project today: Read it while it’s hot off the press. I think Star […]
Listen to this post! As promised, here are the results of the Dangerously Irrelevant 2007 Education Blogosphere Survey… I made a short Flash video describing the general findings (or you […]
Listen to this post! Here are a couple of recent (and great) posts from Seth Godin: On becoming the (January 15) We tried everything (January 12) How is your organization […]
Listen to this post! I rarely write about technology tools here, but I ran across two web tools recently that I think may be useful for bloggers… Cite Bite. Input […]
Listen to this post! Pete Reilly’s excellent post should be required reading for school administrators worried about online safety issues. I’ve blogged about this issue before, notably here and here. […]
Listen to this post! This semester I taught the College’s School and Society class to our preservice teachers. This foundations course acquaints students with the historical, philosophical, sociological, and political […]
Listen to this post! Will Richardson blogged yesterday about a comment by Daniel Kinnaman, publisher of District Administration magazine, regarding K-12 education: Alarmingly, there may be no sector of society […]
Listen to this post! Hear ye! Hear ye! All education bloggers are hereby invited and encouraged to… complete the short and completely unscientific, but hopefully interesting, education blogosphere survey; forward […]
Listen to this post! Know thyself and Nothing in excess (inscribed at the entrance to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi) Since I’ve now been ‘tagged’ with the 5 Things […]
Listen to this post! The December 2006 issue of NASSP Bulletin has an article by Drs. Chien Yu and Vance A. Durrington, assistant professors at Mississippi State University, on practicing […]
Today is the fourth day of Chart Week here at Dangerously Irrelevant. Today’s post relates to the various technologies and procedures that public schools use to protect students from inappropriate […]