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My technical incompetence has forced me to re-post the announcement on the Losing Bet. For those in Washington and interested you can watch a trailer here. (Click on the announcement […]
I made the mistake of listening to bin Laden’s newest tape, which comes with English sub-titles and both an Arabic text and an English translation, before my coffee this morning. […]
This article (English) reminds me of the problems that certain academics (who shan’t be named here) had attempting to explain how something like the September 11 attacks could have happened […]
In the experiment in vanity that is Waq al-waq, I have added a post, which has its own permanent link on the sidebar of a list of non-academic articles. So […]
Major newspapers employ individuals who fact check their articles, including the opinion pieces of columnists, yes? Someone please enlighten me if this is not the case. I have written a […]
… with this confused and contradictory article. I have no idea who wrote this, but whoever it is needs a better editor – can one really say: “The last thing […]
Waq al-waq has just learned that Hamid al-Ahmar will be a guest on al-Jazeera’s Bila Hadud on Wednesday. Watch, enjoy and then comment.
Ever wonder what happened to the two men Yemeni security forces captured back in August in a raid on an al-Qaeda safehouse in Tarim, which killed Hamza al-Qu’ayti and four […]
Today we would have seen parliamentary elections, but they were postponed, so instead, like everyone else, I’m waiting to see the results (if any) of today’s goings on in Abyan.
I’m heading off for a few days of what I like to think is a much-deserved vacation later today, which means that postings will likely be sporadic over the next […]
I respect Abdul Hameed Bakier’s take on Islamists and al-Qaeda, and I’ve always gotten along well with him, but for me this article is lacking his usual nuance, which often […]
Yemen’s Ministry of the Interior has put out yet another wanted list. This time of 150 leaders of the so-called “Southern Movement.” Headlining the list as this Mareb Press brief […]
Given some of the comments that have shown up on the blog over the past few days, Waq al-waq has decided to disallow anonymous comments. While we encourage different views […]
Mareb Press is reporting that there is an initial deal or rather the framework of an initial deal to delay parliamentary elections for two years. This is not all that […]
Brian is now a cog in the federal justice system so it is up to me to carry the weight, at least for today.Husayn al-Jarabani of al-Sharq al-Awsat reports that […]
Below are books I recommend on Yemen, divided into four categories based on nothing other than my own biases.General/Accessible:Yemen: Travels in Dictionary Land, Tim Mackintosh-Smith(US Title: Yemen: The Unknown Arabia)My […]
As promised Waqal–waq is bringing you yet another discussion of an article from Sada al–Malahim. Today’s installment is: “The Apostates: Stages of Confrontation.” The term used in the title, al–rafida […]
Below we discussed some of the security implications for the rising price of food in Yemen. Here, briefly (I hope) are a few things that show just how bad the […]
To me, the most worrisome sign is the rapidity of turnaround time. I really doubt that the plan was “attack a group of tourists, and then when the delegation comes […]