Here is the big idea, according to the Gallup-Healthways Well-being Index Thanksgiving is one of the least stressful and happiest days of the year. Beyond good food – what about […]
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We usually reserve the term ‘suffering’ for major traumas: death, divorce, political upheaval, natural disasters. While such tragedies certainly account for much of our personal and social anguish, the minor […]
The business school image of arriving at an enterprise you’ve taken over all guns blazing and summarily firing people in the elevator and snapping your fingers – business doesn’t work that way at all.
Ram Charan: Like a coach, you need to show a player how to do it.
Whenever we see examples of ethical or moral failure our knee-jerk reaction is to say “that was a bad person.”
Entrepreneurs are people who have dreams that go far beyond currently available resources. Managers bring discipline. Leaders get organizations to look for new commitments.
Nitin Nohria: The best organizations allow human beings to acquire things that they value, to feel like a part of a team, to make sure the work they are doing is meaningful and that they have ways of defending their interests.
Business at it’s best it can be an engine of the kind of change that we all want to help us live better lives.
Listening to voices who may be outside the mainstream, actually is a crucial way to succeed in business in the 21st Century.
Aron Cramer: Business is the creative force in society that can help us find ways to make our lives better. If business doesn’t take up the challenge, I think we all have quite a lot to lose.
In two years NASA hopes to be growing plants on the moon in an experiment designed to shed light on how life can be sustained in extreme conditions.
The comet is believed to have broken up and evaporated.
“If you want to go to a top-tier school…;” It’s a “lower-tier school, but good…” In conversations about college, you often hear rankings-focused comments. It’s difficult to remember the time […]
My ears perked this afternoon when, as we sat down for our holiday meal, my 9-year-old daughter read aloud President Obama’s Thanksgiving Proclamation. For the first time since George Washington declared a […]
We’re somehow hard-wired for stories that have a beginning, a middle and end, stories that really teach us about the past.
The things you really appreciate aren’t the complicated things. They’re the simple things that work just the way you expect them to.
Put a pair of newborn rabbits, a buck and a doe, together in a pen. Assume it takes them a month to start reproducing, and another month for the female […]
#14. The greatness of Thanksgiving is that it doesn’t aspire to greatness, but only to the shared experiences that make living worth living for each one of us.
Will Comet ISON survive its close encounter with the Sun?
Bill Nye – who turns 58 today – says teaching science needs to be a hands-on experience in order for it to be really effective. Like the funniest moments in life, you might say, you had to be there.
Richard Feynman was struggling with an existential crisis only a member of the Manhattan Project could truly experience: “Put another way, what is the value of the science I had dedicated myself to–the thing I loved–when I saw what terrible things it could do? It was a question I had to answer.”
Whatever the mania, you can be certain that credentialed egg-heads, professional do-gooders, and compulsive busy-bodies will claim access should be curtailed, controlled or even cut off, “for the children.”
Some students take the position that the best way to change an organization is from the inside. Therefore, going to work for a company that, for instance, produces tobacco products, is the best way to affect change.
An intriguing piece of research has added an unexpected category of things that evolution may have taught us, down in our DNA, to be afraid of. Plants.
We all know Rockwell’s Freedom from Want by heart, even if we don’t know its title.
Guest post by Kevin Flora(Cross post from Forrest Gump (1994) provides an interesting and unexpected viewpoint of his exercise routine. He runs… to run. He is not looking to […]
There are seven billion of us now and contrary to the evening news we all get along, kind of.
Michael Gazzaniga: Scientists we sometimes get annoyed with, but not science.
Embracing messiness and understanding that it is a contribution to the creative process is something that writers and creative types have got to cultivate.
Malcolm Gladwell: It drives me crazy when people in the technological sphere inflate the importance of the kind of tinkering they do with these sort of software gadgets that they come up with.