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It is known that diabetes brings with it a greatly elevated risk for a number of comorbidities. To this list, we now have to add elevated risk of cancer, as well.
Guest post by Kevin Flora(Cross post from Think as if there isn’t a box, not just “outside the box”.  Embrace change and accept your responsibility as a professional within […]
            What do you know about fracking, the process of injecting water and sand and chemicals under high pressure into deep rock, cracking the rock open and allowing recovery of […]
Constrains, willingness to fail, willingness to take big risks and rapid iteration are absolutely fundamental to innovation. 
If you are in the business of trying to convince a majority of Americans, you know, 60 votes in the Senate, for example, to try to do the right thing, you probably ought to be appealing to self-interest here, not self-sacrifice. 
Prisoners are strongly influenced by the self-enhancement motive (i.e., the desire to see themselves in positive light)…no matter what objective circumstances might be.
“Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here.” –Thomas Carlyle, 1840 1. Be that […]