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I respect Abdul Hameed Bakier’s take on Islamists and al-Qaeda, and I’ve always gotten along well with him, but for me this article is lacking his usual nuance, which often […]
Yemen’s Ministry of the Interior has put out yet another wanted list. This time of 150 leaders of the so-called “Southern Movement.” Headlining the list as this Mareb Press brief […]
Given some of the comments that have shown up on the blog over the past few days, Waq al-waq has decided to disallow anonymous comments. While we encourage different views […]
Mareb Press is reporting that there is an initial deal or rather the framework of an initial deal to delay parliamentary elections for two years. This is not all that […]
Brian is now a cog in the federal justice system so it is up to me to carry the weight, at least for today.Husayn al-Jarabani of al-Sharq al-Awsat reports that […]
Below are books I recommend on Yemen, divided into four categories based on nothing other than my own biases.General/Accessible:Yemen: Travels in Dictionary Land, Tim Mackintosh-Smith(US Title: Yemen: The Unknown Arabia)My […]
As promised Waqal–waq is bringing you yet another discussion of an article from Sada al–Malahim. Today’s installment is: “The Apostates: Stages of Confrontation.” The term used in the title, al–rafida […]
Below we discussed some of the security implications for the rising price of food in Yemen. Here, briefly (I hope) are a few things that show just how bad the […]
To me, the most worrisome sign is the rapidity of turnaround time. I really doubt that the plan was “attack a group of tourists, and then when the delegation comes […]
I don’t have time for much more than a quick up-date on the war in Sa’dah – I return home on Friday and hope to have more time to write […]
News Yemen helps to explain the strategic importance of Jabal Dukhan and gives a bit more information, which is helpful since the mountain is not in my mu’ajim al-buldan.
According to multiple stories Yemen arrested the Saudi national Hassan Husayn bin ‘Alwan on Friday in Marib. All of these stories are claiming that ‘Alwan is a “major financier” for […]
Thanks to all the readers who have been commenting as of late, it is nice to know that Waq al-waq isn’t (solely) an echo chamber. Yemen features prominently, if invisibly, […]
Waq al-waq has a very narrow, if self-delineated, portfolio: Yemen. But sometimes Yemen has some strange links, as some of the Google searches that bring people to Waq al-waq indicate. […]
Sometimes the news just seems a little off. A few days ago I was watching al-Arabiyya and caught the tail end of brief about a former Guantanamo detainee, Jabir Jabran […]
We seem to have fallen into a pattern here: Greg provides the judicious review of breaking events, and I am the bearded wierdo on the corner yelling “Doom! Doom!”. If […]
As I have skimmed through the Wikileaks documents coming out of San’a and Riyadh I have been asking myself a number of different questions here are three (I promise some […]
Saba and 26September are reporting that four soldiers have been killed in an ambush in Abyan. Tracking this as to culpability, but it seems that violence has been ratcheting up, […]
I thought it might be appropriate to kick-off this blog with a story focusing on a problem that will be with us for the forseeable future, far beyond the closing […]
Just days after al-Zawahiri’s audiotape “From Kabul to Somalia” was released the fighting in the latter has picked up. The NY Times has coverage here, and Reuters has more coverage […]
I don’t have much time this morning as I’m late for a meeting, but a press release from the Yemen Embassy as well as numerous stories (all coming from this […]
Al-Qaeda in Yemen Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 12:15 to 1:45 p.m. Location:Carnegie Endowment for International PeacePanel: Gregory D. Johnsen, Shari Villarosa, Christopher Boucek U.S. and Yemeni counterterrorism efforts dealt […]