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The following comes from Greg Miller’s article in the Washington Post on the second issue of Inspire:“The publication notes with evident pride that AQAP, as the group is known, has […]
The government seems to be keeping up a punishing offensive (or defensive, depending on how you want to look at it). My theory, or, if I want to be like […]
Faysal Mukrim of al-Hayat has an article covering the opening of the trial of the 16 al-Qaeda suspects. The article is fairly good, and it gives the names of all […]
I heard some very interesting and very big news from the Sa’dah front last night, which I’m waiting to see reported in the local press to confirm what I heard […]
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy’s Simon Henderson has this piece on the Huthi conflict.He suggests that the reason for the renewed conflict in August was that fighters of […]
Waq al-waq does not usually break protocol and comment on issues outside of Yemen, but this is an exception. On Friday my younger brother was awarded the Navy and Marine […]
For those interested in a bit more background on AQAP and the recent raids I have done a couple of radio interviews that may be illuminating.The first was with Glenn […]
Thomas over at Jihadica has a lot more on the term ruwaybidha, including one of the traditions from which some version of the term stems,also politely correcting my original transliteration. […]
Last year on the eve of September 11 the al-Ikhlas forum was taken off-line. I have yet to see a good explanation for its absence although I have heard plenty […]
My technical incompetence has forced me to re-post the announcement on the Losing Bet. For those in Washington and interested you can watch a trailer here. (Click on the announcement […]
I made the mistake of listening to bin Laden’s newest tape, which comes with English sub-titles and both an Arabic text and an English translation, before my coffee this morning. […]
This article (English) reminds me of the problems that certain academics (who shan’t be named here) had attempting to explain how something like the September 11 attacks could have happened […]
In the experiment in vanity that is Waq al-waq, I have added a post, which has its own permanent link on the sidebar of a list of non-academic articles. So […]
Major newspapers employ individuals who fact check their articles, including the opinion pieces of columnists, yes? Someone please enlighten me if this is not the case. I have written a […]
… with this confused and contradictory article. I have no idea who wrote this, but whoever it is needs a better editor – can one really say: “The last thing […]
Waq al-waq has just learned that Hamid al-Ahmar will be a guest on al-Jazeera’s Bila Hadud on Wednesday. Watch, enjoy and then comment.
Ever wonder what happened to the two men Yemeni security forces captured back in August in a raid on an al-Qaeda safehouse in Tarim, which killed Hamza al-Qu’ayti and four […]
Today we would have seen parliamentary elections, but they were postponed, so instead, like everyone else, I’m waiting to see the results (if any) of today’s goings on in Abyan.