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Long days of writing and scrambling to meet deadlines often leave little time or energy for writing’s lesser cousin, blogging. And today is no different. Normally, I would prefer to […]
Both al-Tagheer and News Yemen are reporting that Yemeni security forces have arrested a young al-Qaeda suspect in Marib.Al-Tagheer gives us his initials, age (25) and place of residence (al-Qatn, […]
San’a is denying that it has any intention of starting a new round of fighting with al-Huthi supporters, according to al-Jazeera. Meanwhile, al-Sahwa is reporting new clashes today.Trey weighs in […]
Letta Tayler of Human Rights Watch has this article at Salon. My favorite part is Murad Zafir’s quote. Murad is an old friend, and if you know him, then you […]
Khaled al-Hammadi of al-Quds al-Arabi has this excellent report from Aden today on what he describes the increasing tensions in the south. He opens the article by quoting some of […]
News Yemen has a very interesting piece on the make-up of the tribal mediation committee that freed the Japanese engineer and his Yemeni kidnapper as well as a few insights […]
Spent the weekend in beautiful Cambridge, WI (population: 1101, on the nose). A lovely little town, but not one where the news comes readily. So a touch of catching up: […]
I don’t even know where to begin with this piece, so I really won’t. Also I have better things to do with my time, but still check this out:“Awash in […]
Despite appearances we have not gone AWOL here at Waq al-waq – we’ve just gotten busy. Article deadlines and preparations for a couple of public talks later this week means […]
In an article on the dilemma of the Yemeni detainees at Guantanamo, which I co-wrote with Christopher Boucek back in November 2008 for the CTC Sentinel, we argued that there […]
For those with a satellite or residences abroad, assuming of course, that you have any interest, I will be on al-Hurra this afternoon from 4 – 5 pm along with […]
For those who read the recent interview with al-Wahayshi, I would recommend you take a look at Abdulela Sha’a’s blog– it adds a bit more detail. It seems as though […]
Today’s big news from Yemen, as usual, happened in Arabic. Ḥasan Muḥammad Manā’, who is quickly becoming my favorite governor to read, has an interview in today’s al-Sharq al-Awsat. How […]
Just as an FYI to our vast readership, in the interest of fairness Waq al-Waq would like to invite anyone we disagree with or critcize by name to please email […]
Reliefnet has a report out on Internally Displaced Peoples in Yemen stemming from the al-Huthi conflict in the north. I haven’t had time to read the full-report, but even the […]
The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point has just released a special issue devoted to AQAP, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The issue reprints a number of articles that both Brian […]
In a sign of just how sensitive it is to what I will call Islamist criticisms, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula wasted little time in responding to what it called […]
Posting will likely be light throughout the rest of this week and throughout the weekend as the Waq al-waq team celebrates Thanksgiving with friends and family and watches Nebraska beat […]