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My annual review said: n n Dr. McLeod’s work with schools is exemplary but inappropriate. n I knew then that, despite the fact that we liked each other a lot, […]
My grandma turned 90 today. She doesn’t have a computer and probably will never see this message but I’m blogging about it anyway ‘cause I think it’s cool.
On February 12, 2009, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm Central, I’ll be at a yet-to-be-determined location here in Ames, Iowa to discuss Seth Godin’s new book, Tribes. Godin has finally tipped […]
I love both these videos. Will you join them?  Generation WE: The Movement Begins… from Generation We on Vimeo.Generation We: The Movement is Spreading! from Generation We on Vimeo.
I voted today (22nd in line!). I voted for future-oriented leadership instead of compliance. I voted for anticipatory, not reactionary. I voted for engagement with the world, not bellicosity. I […]
nHere are my notes from Alan November’s keynote today at ITEC 2008 in Des Moines. ITEC is Iowa’s statewide educational technology conference so it’s always a good time. I actually […]
Gawker Media has Gizmodo, Lifehacker, The Consumerist, Valleywag, Gawker, and seven others. Weblogs, Inc. has Engadget, Autoblog, Joystiq, Luxist, Download Squad, and too many others to count. Education Week and […]