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I recently compiled a short list of quotations that have greatly influenced my thinking about schools, technology, and the future. I’ve been handing it out to K-12 administrators to spark […]
I started this blog a month ago. Since then I’ve discovered the difficulty of coming up with something meaningful and interesting at least five times a week. I’ve also discovered […]
I’m pleased to announce several more guest bloggers. Dr. David Quinn, Assistant Professor at the University of Florida, will be a guest blogger next week. He will be followed by… […]
I’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback on the white paper that I wrote last year for Microsoft so I thought I would share it as a resource here. […]
As Jim Collins has noted, good is the enemy of great. In other words, organizations that are viewed internally or externally as being good rarely have any incentive to do […]
In a previous post, I commented on the perceptions of many K-12 educators that their school’s academic success is hostage to their student demographics. There’s another angle to this – […]
My local paper, the Star Tribune, had an article today on helicopter parents, those overinvolved moms and dads who hover closely around their children’s school, teachers, and/or administrators. Helicopter parent […]
I was delighted to see Miguel Guhlin’s fictional response last week to Anne Davis’ draft letter requesting permission to use Flickr in a hypothetical school district. The brilliant part of […]
NACOL, UCCP, and Pepperdine University are co-sponsoring a regional online learning symposium in Los Angeles, California on October 11, 2006. The web site for the symposium states that the presentations, […]
While browsing in Barnes & Noble last night, I ran across this quote from Joy at Work: The idea of servant leadership in K-12 education is nothing new. As with […]
A recent post by Kevin Carey at The Quick and the Ed highlights one of the essential dilemmas faced by those of us who are working desperately to improve students’ […]
In conjunction with its fabulous annual conference, the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) is hosting its first-ever educational technology research symposium. Accepted papers will be published on CD-ROM and in […]
We know – we know! – that sustainable success in schools never occurs without effective leadership. And yet, when it comes to digital technologies, our nation’s school leaders are sorely […]