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Drop Out Factories Bill Gates says U.S. schools are “broken.” Alvin Toffler calls them relics of a by-gone industrial age. Now, according to Johns Hopkins University researchers, 1 in 10 […]
Rural School Enrollments: Diverse and Rising After years of shrinking enrollments, rural school populations are on the rise. Minority students and English Language Learners account for a high proportion of […]
The Wikipedia gap I don’t know about you, but when I hire someone, or go to the doctor or the architect or an engineer, I could care less about how […]
Some of you may be interested in Through the Keyhole, my ‘random thoughts’ blog where I put stuff not directly related to K-12 technology and/or leadership issues. Recent posts have […]
First Karl Fisch, original creator of Did You Know?, gets profiled in the Rocky Mountain News. Then he gets mentioned on the CNN Saturday Morning show (at the end). Oh, […]
I had a great trip to San Antonio. It was fun hanging out with Miguel Friday afternoon and evening. As you can see, we are not above making idiots of […]
I just received a note from Edutopia announcing its new Go Green initiative. Apparently they’ve created a database / clearinghouse designed to help educators ‘integrate knowledge and awareness of Earth’s […]
One of the biggest things standing in the way of student technology usage in schools is adults’ fear. Over at the Blue Skunk Blog, Doug Johnson posted a message from […]
As usual, Seth Godin nails it right on the head: If we don’t slam this door shut, then everyone will do it… This is really why we lock everything out […]
If you haven’t seen them yet, here are three must-see videos from Dr. Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University: Web 2.0 … the Machine is […]
Today I’m being honored by the good folks at the National School Boards Association at their annual Technology + Learning conference. They’ve named me as one of their ‘20 To […]
I missed most of David Pogue’s presentation this morning at ITEC because I had to first meet the folks from the carpet company who were coming to measure the rooms […]
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] nn I have been reading with great interest the conversations that have been sparked by Kurt Paccio’s post on Internet filtering. As my brain has […]
Blog Action Day is Monday: thousands of bloggers posting on environmental issues. I’m going to be posting a few thoughts on what school leaders need to know about computer recycling […]
Here are five great education podcasts I’ve listened to recently (in reversenchronological order), each from a different source: n July 2007 – AngelanMcFarlane’s speech at the Building Learning Communities Conference […]
I’m with Wesley. When I got the news that the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program was starting a ‘Give one, get one’ initiative, I immediately e-mailed my wife, “This […]
Steve Wozniak was our keynote speaker this morning at the Iowa Technology Education Connection (ITEC) conference. He may be one of the few people that talks faster than I do! […]
A few notes from my day at ITEC… Apparently Iowa State University (my new home) has the nation’s largest program preparing pre-service teachers to be online instructors, site facilitators, and/or […]