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Whether we are buying shoes or pursuing a certain career, unconsciously we imagine “if only life could be this way…if only I could be like her, wear those shoes or drive that car.” 
How do 21st century photo editing techniques impact classic conceptions of beauty? Just have a look at the image above, by the Italian artist Anna Utopia Giordano. Giordano’s Venus project gives Photoshop makeovers to paintings such as Botticelli’s La Nascita di Venere.
How was Earth’s most well-known precious metal made? “Don’t gain the world and lose your soul;wisdom is better than silver or gold.” –Bob Marley Throughout all of recorded human history, there’s […]
“Oh! what a tangled web we weave,” Sir Walter Scott wrote in his 1808 epic poem Marmion, “When first we practice to deceive!” But what a pretty web it might […]
“Regrets, I’ve had a few,” Frank Sinatra warbled in “My Way,” before adding wistfully, “But, then again, too few to mention.” Sinatra sang that song at the end of a […]
It’s not easy to take glamour seriously. From the supermarket magazine rack glossy promising “5 Easy, Non-Stalkerish Ways to Show a Guy You’re Into Him” to the never-ending, slow motion […]
Prices are the magic in free-market stories. But what if prices were never right? Then free markets wouldn’t work as their fans claim. The ‘markets in everything’ crowd don’t tackle […]
So the excellent editor of The New Atlantis, maybe our best journal on technology and society, reflects on the HBO series Stay of Play.  It’s all about the parents finding too […]
The most important part of life is work, it’s the flow, it’s getting stuff done, feeling like you’re doing something.  We have that in spades.  We’re really, really happy.