About six million years ago, the Mediterranean was sealed off from the Atlantic, and over centuries it ran dry. One megaflood reversed that.
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You searched for: ice
More than a third of Americans don’t get enough sleep. Diet is an important, under-recognized culprit.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a medieval airship!
A battle between different kinds of love.
Strange underwater icicles form in the Earth’s coldest regions and freeze living organisms in place.
Video cameras on city streets are only the most visible way your movements can be tracked.
The big-picture physics is simple – let gravity do its job.
Migrating our planet to a safer orbit might be the only way to preserve Earth after all the ice melts.
Researchers have discovered 830-million-year-old microbes living inside a salt rock on Earth. Could the same occur on Mars?
2023 is an exciting time for the study of quark-gluon plasmas.
“Superhabitable” planets might be real, but Earth is probably as good as it gets.
The classic picture of Jupiter’s great rocky core might be entirely wrong.
The Antarctic Treaty of 1959 prohibited nations from making new land claims on the continent. But it never mentioned claims from private individuals.
High-frequency oscillations that ripple through our brains may generate memory and conscious experience.
Take a closer look at the different types of reasoning you use every day.
Ground-based facilities enable the greatest scientific production in all of astronomy. The NSF needs to be ambitious, and it’s now or never.
Each year in mid-August, Earth plows through the debris stream of an enormous comet, creating the Perseids. 2023’s show will be magnificent!
We are still new at this.
Fossilized footprints found at an excavation site in southwest New Mexico prove humans colonized the continent much earlier than previously thought.
Nearly 200 orbital launches are scheduled for 2022.
It could one day fuel nuclear fusion reactors.
The largest moon in our Solar System, often overlooked, is a water-rich world. Does that mean life? Here on Earth, life took hold very early on in our planet’s history, and […]
Whether you call it 10 quintillion, 10 million trillion, or 10 billion billion, it’s a 1 followed by 19 zeroes.
We have a morbid curiosity about nautical disaster stories. The Irish “Wreck Viewer” offers a window into centuries of marine misfortune.
Whenever someone waxes poetic about terraforming alien worlds, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the ethical implications of the proposal.
Synthetic milk is not a sci-fi fantasy; it already exists.
The spikes in their mouths would have helped them catch squid or fish.
Nagomi helps us find balance in discord by unifying the elements of life while staying true to ourselves.
Some biologists believe natural selection produces animals that are just good enough. Dawkins disagrees.