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You searched for: Fish
New research suggests they may be in the connections between your brain cells.
There is strong evidence that invertebrates are sentient beings.
Sometimes called “the new gold,” sand is the second most exploited natural resource in the world after fresh water.
Meet the people paid to rouse the workers of industrial Britain.
The road from Kant to modern cognitive psychology has taught us much about our mental filtering systems.
This new geologic activity could be part of a thousand-year cycle, ushering in a new era of volcanism on the island.
Particles are everywhere, including particles from space that stream through the human body. Here’s how they prove Einstein’s relativity.
Humanity is poised to pass the 8 billion milestone mid-November, but population growth is actually slowing down.
Scientists don’t understand why the correlation exists.
Archaeologists have identified what may be Europe’s oldest human-made megastructure.
Meet your new flying nightmare: Thapunngaka shawi.
9 minutes of cruel history may cure the anti-progress delusion.
Baby mice can regenerate damaged hair cells — and now that we know how they do it, maybe we can, too.
A food fight may finally be put to rest.
The Uros of Lake Titicaca live on floating islands made from reeds. How did they get there?
A new tuna robot leads the way to more agile underwater robots and drones.
In all mammals, there are two brain pathways for processing information from the eyes: an evolutionarily ancient one and a more modern one.
Inspired by the shape of a New Caledonian crow’s beak, researchers created a new 3D-printed prototype of tweezers.
Raw food, paleo, gluten-free, detox, and ketogenic: All of these diet fads withered when subjected to scientific scrutiny.
More than a third of Americans don’t get enough sleep. Diet is an important, under-recognized culprit.
A marine reptile fossil from Svalbard challenges ideas about evolution and Earth’s greatest mass extinction.
Welcome to The Nightcrawler — a weekly newsletter from Eric Markowitz covering tech, innovation, and long-term thinking.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a medieval airship!
The list includes eleven species of birds, eight species of freshwater mussels, two fish, a bat, and a plant from the mint family.
Yet another ocean monster has been discovered.
Where the prime meridian meets the equator, a non-existent island captures our imagination — and our non-geocoded data.
For people with hard-to-treat depression, a non-invasive technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can provide relief.
Disgusting behavior is often crucial to survival.